Guess Who's Back

Hey y'all.
I know it's been more than a year but guess who's back in the work-place? Yep! You got that right... Yours Truly.
It has not been easy; scouring newspapers for jobs, writing applications, mailing them, waiting - oh the horrid waiting - for feedback from potential employers. I hated the waiting more than anything. Is it so hard to just email me and tell me that I didn't get through? The generic "You have not made it through if we do not contact you within 3 weeks" is much better, but not by much. The interviews where you convene at the interview hall - yes HALL; that the interviews are being run in halls should tell you something about one's prospects - and you find over a thousand people competing for 2 positions must surely discourage even the most optimistic of us.
Anyway, I stuck to my guns and kept at it and now here I am, gainfully employed.
Yay, to waking up at 5:30 again. Yay, to setting 3 alarms and placing them in different corners of the room again. Yay, to coming home and drifting to sleep in the middle of supper again. Yay!